lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

Actividades de Compensación Martes 22 y Miércoles 23 Santo

Expressing Ability

A continuación pueden seguir una serie de actividades relacionadas con el uso de algunas expresiones comunes en inglés para expresar habilidad.

Hay sólo una tarea bajo el encabezado de Homework, que es el apartado número 8.  Para dicha tarea, ustedes harán una grabación de máximo 1 minuto describiendo las habilidades de un animal utilizando las expresiones mostradas en el mismo apartado número 8 y previamente estudiadas en el apartado número 7.

La grabación puede ser desde un celular y la deben enviar a este correo:

antes del domingo santo 27 de marzo.

El siguiente enlace ofrece buenas opciones para escuchar la pronunciación de textos largos:  y el siguiente para grabar audio online:   

1) Read and listen to the following info:

Read the leaflet. Which do you think is the best charity event: the sports event,
the talent show, the art show or the food stall?

Every year Parkslde Youth Club has a charity weekend for Friends of the Earth. 
This year it’s on April 25th and 26th. What can you do?


Can you run five kilometers? Ask your family and friends for 50p for every kilometer that you run. Maybe you can’t run, but can you swim? Ask people for 50p for every 100 meters that you swim.


Can you sing or dance? Maybe you can play a musical instrument or juggle. Join our talent show and help to sell tickets.


Some people can’t sing or dance very well but they can draw, paint or take good photographs. Organize an art show at your school. Then sell the artwork


Can you cook? Cook a dish for the food stall at the youth club and sell it to your friends.

2) Abilities & Talents

3) Write Sentences using can or can’t plus the correspondent verb

4) Listening Practice A 5.8

5) Listening Practice B Can't & Can

6) Listening Practice C 3 People Abilities

7) We can use: can, be able to, know how to and be good at to express ability

Be able to
Know how to
Be good at

can+ verb(base form)
Be able to+ verb(base form)
How to+ verb(base form)
At+ verb(ING)
She can speak 5 languages
She is able to speak 5 languages
She knows how to speak 5 languages
She is good at speaking  languages
She can’t=cannot speak 5 languages
She isn’t able to speak 5 languages
She doesn’t know how to speak 5 languages
She isn’t good at speaking  languages
Can she speak 5 languages?
Is she able to speak 5 languages?
Does she know how to speak 5 languages?
Is she good at speaking languages?
They can speak 5 languages
They are able to speak 5 languages
They know how to speak 5 languages
They are good at speaking  languages
They can’t=cannot speak 5 languages
They aren’t able to speak 5 languages
They don’t know how to speak 5 languages
They aren’t good at speaking  languages
Can they speak 5 languages?
Are they able to speak 5 languages?
Do they know how to speak 5 languages?
Are they good at speaking languages?

8) Homework

Read the following information about 3 animals. Pay attention to the underlined words in the text to express ability.
You are going to look for some information about an animal describing where this animal comes from and the abilities it has using: can, be able to, know how to and be good at.  You are going to record that information in maximum 1 minute and minimum 45 seconds and send it to the following email:  by Saturday this week.

9) Further Explanation and Exercises

Using Can:

Using Be able to:

Look at the following links and complete the exercises there:

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